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                                       ZERO OUTSIDE BOATS ON COMBIE UNTIL FUTURE NOTICE   


Effective immediately NID has placed LAKE COMBIE UNDER A QUARANTINE.  Please spread the word.  Your cooperation is required to avoid a Complete Moratorium on boating on Combie this summer.


1.           The quarantine means vessels that have not been on ANY body of water besides Lake Combie can continue to use Lake Combie.  If a vessel is taken to another body of water, it is forbidden to relaunch on Lake Combie. Due to the many boat ramps on Combie, enforcement of this mandate is a concern, but NID expects those with access to the lake to abide by the policy. The LCA has worked with NID to prevent a full ban.  If the policy is not followed, we can expect quick actions that would shut down all boating. They have already shut down boating on both Rollins and Scotts Flat.


2.           NID will provide additional information as the situation develops. Expect NID to expand communication and provide a number to report anyone suspected of violating policies.  Expect them to revoke dock permits, block ramp easements, and take legal action for those who violate policies.  The state is expected to levy fines and include jail time to those affiliated with attempting to circumvent policies affiliated with this issue.   Think of it like arson or being responsible for a chemical spill, violation will involve legal and financial liabilities.  


NID is trusting us.  Please do not violate this moratorium because it could ruin it for exeryone.



We are a community association whose purpose is:

  • To promote activities which help to provide optimum living conditions in the area and to discourage activities which threaten to affect the area adversely

  • To keep the members informed of current issues which might affect the Lake Combie area.

  • To establish committees to study the possible relationship of any proposed activity in light of its effect on the Lake Combie area.

  • To voice the consensus of opinion of the Lake Combie Association to pertinent governmental bodies.

  • To provide recommendations for ensuring maintenance of high safety standards on the lake to the appropriate government agencies.



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We hold an annual safety meeting to discuss current safety concerns voiced by the community. We also inform members of updates to boating laws, fish and game rules and regulations, and more. Reminder: All persons under 45y/o must carry a CA boater ID card.



Before Memorial Day, the LCA hosts a lake clean up day where members of the community pick up trash around the lake in preparation for the summer season. The first year we hosted this event, we brought 2 large trailers of garbage to the dump. Each year, we are seeing the amount of trash get smaller and smaller. Pack it in, pack it out!



The LCA picnic is a long held tradition bringing members of the community together for socializing and LCA board updates. It is an opportunity to put faces to docks and boats and traditionally kicks off summer.  The meeting is usually held the weekend following Father's Day.


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